那珂川町観光協会 デジタルブック

101316Nakagawa Town is rich in nature and there are many souvenirs that can only be purchased here.[8]Nakagawa-machiBato HiroshigeMuseum of Art Closed on MondaysFresh Cream MochiNingyoyakiFresh StrawberryMochi[11]Wataya Closed on Wednesdays11Japanese Sponge Cake14Roll Cake17Sweetfish-shaped Wafersfilled with Red Bean[13,16]Miyoshido Closed on Thursdays(The fresh strawberry mochi is sold from December to April.)12Strawberry Dorayaki15Pumpkin Pie18Strawberry ‘Cheek’ (Fruit-filled Cake)[14]Chitoseya Closed on Mondays31

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